DESCRIPTION:  This program is used to post payments to the Invoices you previously sent out.  (DO NOT USE THIS PROGRAM IF YOU ARE RECEIVING CASH FOR AN ITEM NOT BILLED, OR NOT GOING TO BE BILLED.  For Example, if a person walks in and gets a permit or a vendor sends you a refund check. You would use CASH RECEIPTING for this item.)

Thoughts to keep in mind:  Notice that the following detail postings are to a Customer, an Invoice and, finally, to a Bill Code. This detail is the real information that’s being posted to in the general ledger transactions database. The Source of Entry is ARP, and the source of entry types (not visible here) are AR for the credit to accounts receivable (as defined by the Bill Code) and BNK for the debit to the Bank Account (as defined by this Fund’s Cash Account).



To start, click the CUSTOMERS button  on the Main Screen , then click the PAYMENT POST button. 


The following screen will appear:


1. EFFECTIVE DATE:  Today's date will automatically populate for the Effective Date. To change, click on the Calendar button.

2. SOURCE OF ENTRY:  The Source of Entry will automatically default to Account Receivable Post (ARP).

3. JOURNAL NUMBER: If you are entering new payments, the next available Journal Number will appear.  If you are editing an existing Journal, you can click on the yellow folder button  to find the appropriate journal number.

4. Click OK to proceed.

Once you click OK, the following screen will appear:



1. (Make sure you are on the Receipts tab.  System defaults to it.)

2. Click the NEW button.

3. Customer Code

You can either enter the code or use the pull-down menu to find the appropriate one.

NOTEIf your customer sends you a change of address with their payment, you can click on the blue maintenance button here and enter the new address, versus getting out of the program and going into Customer Maintenance.

4. AMOUNT box: 

Enter the total amount of the cash/check you are receiving in the Amount box.   (The system may default to the total amount outstanding.  Please pay attention to this box and make sure you have the right amount entered.)


 The override cash account is used so you can post payments to another account instead of the main cash account.


If you have a receipt book with preprinted receipt numbers, you may enter a reference receipt number here, or any other type of reference number you may be using.


Next you will need to decide on how you are going to apply the cash/check that you received:  (1) Apply monies received to ALL open invoices; (2) Apply monies received to CERTAIN open invoices/line items, thus needing to select which invoices or line items those will be; or (3) Apply monies received as a PREPAYMENT for future invoices. (After the 3 ways are explained, instructions will continue with #8 below.)



APost Monies Received to ALL Open Invoices: To post monies received to ALL Open Invoices, click on the PAY ALL INVOICES THIS CUSTOMER button.

 This will pay all the open invoices for this customer and save your posting automatically.

(For further instructions, proceed to #8 below.)


B. Post Monies Received to INDIVIDUAL Open Invoices: To post monies received to individual open invoices (and certain line items), click on the  SELECT INVOICES TO PAY button.   

B-1. Once you've clicked on SELECT INVOICES TO PAY, the following screen will appear:


B-2. Next, you will either select which line items to pay  or Pay all the line items  for this invoice by clicking on the appropriate button.

If you chose to pay the line items, the following screen will appear:


B-2A. Click on the line that you would like to pay.  (It will turn to a color while the rest stay gray.) Then enter the amount you would like to apply to this line by entering it in the AMOUNT TO PAY ON THIS LINE ITEM box.

A note about Line Items: A Line Item on the Invoice is not exactly the Line Item you will see in this dialog. If, on the Invoice, more than one Line Item has the same Bill Code, these will be combined and you will see only one Line Item for posting payments. Since they have the same Bill Code (and, thus, the same debit and credit account numbers), Payments do not have to be spread to the real Invoice Line Items.


B-2B. If you wish for this line item to be paid, then select PAY THIS LINE ITEM button.

B-2C. At this point you will see how much money has been posted and how much remains.

B-2D. If you want to pay the remaining $2.00, you would click on the POSTAGE line item in our example, enter the amount in the Amount to Pay on this Line Item box (if not already there), and then click Pay This Line Item.

B-2E. If you DO NOT want to pay the remaining $2.00 from our example, (might be used if you are forgiving a late fee or other type of fee), then click the WRITE OFF REMAINING AMOUNT button .  Once selected you will receive the following confirmation screen.


Click OK to proceed or CANCEL to NOT write off the remaining amount.

(For further instructions, proceed to #8 below.)


C. Post Monies Received as a Prepayment for Future Invoices: To apply the monies received for future invoices as a prepayment, click the PREPAYMENT (NO INVOICE) button.    Before you click on the PREPAYMENT button, MAKE SURE YOU HAVE ENTERED A DOLLAR AMOUNT, A CHECK NUMBER (or type the word "CASH"), and any other pertinent information, such as Reference # or Override Cash Account Number,  IN THE AMOUNT BOX.


C-1. Once pertinent information is entered and you've clicked the PREPAYMENT (no invoice) button, you will be asked to Select an appropriate BILL CODE for this prepayment and then click OK. (These are the same bill codes you use when you invoice a client.  Try to anticipate what Bill Code you will be billing the client for in the future.  You can always go and edit it later.)


C-2. Once you've selected the bill code, you will receive the following confirmation screen.  Answer OK to continue, or CANCEL to return to payment post screen.


8. Once you are done posting payments to your invoices, in one of the 3 manners, you must COMMIT the journal of payments by clicking on the COMMIT button.

9. Enter an appropriate Journal Description for these journal entries.


10.  If everything was committed properly, you will receive the following confirmation screen.


 Click OK to continue on.

11. Now that you've entered all your payments and committed the journal, you can select DONE  to go back to the Main Screen.