DESCRIPTION:  The Organization tab sets up default information for your company.




To access the ORGANIZATION tab, click on the SETTINGS button at the bottom of the main screen (left-hand corner),  then click the ORGANIZATION tab on the left-hand side and the following screen will appear:



The Organization tab has 3 sub-tabs:  General, Accounting Defaults, and Chart of Accounts Layout.  We will now discuss the 3 tabs.








The General Tab gives the basic information about your entity, including address, EIN #, Contact Number, Email Address, etc.  Fill out all pertinent information.  If you are done entering all information in the Settings area, click the DONE button .  This will automatically update your information and exit the program.  (Note:  If you have more information on other tabs to fill out or edit, don't hit the DONE button until you are completely finished as this will exit you out of the program.)








The Account Defaults set your Fiscal Year Start Date, Default Overtime Payroll Codes, your Benefits & Overhead Percentage, and your State Rental Rates Year.




1. To set your Fiscal Year Start Date, click on the calendar button and choose the appropriate month, day and year.

The words after this box will then update to the appropriate start date.



2. Default Overtime CodeThis is the default overtime code for the whole system. For example:  If your day is normally 8 hours and you post 9 hrs, PR Post will ask you if you want to post the extra 1 hr to overtime. The default overtime code will be used to post that overtime, or the overtime code for the individual employee will be used. 




3. Benefits and Overhead Factors:  These are the benefit and overhead factors that are calculated through the Benefit and Overhead factor pages of the ACT-51.  


EXAMPLE:  Your Benefit Factor is 89.35%.  Enter it as .8935.  If you rate is 103.25%, then you would enter it as 1.0325.







4. Equipment Rental Rates Year:  This is the year that your State Rental Rates/codes are updated through.  For Example:  If you were running the Equipment Rental Update for the year 2016, the year 2016 would be listed here.








The Chart of Accounts Layout is used to set up your account structure.  Road Commissions typically have 7 levels for their account structure; Townships typically have 3-5.  The following is an example of the 7 level structure.  If you choose the Account Levels to be 4, then only 4 would show on the right-hand side.  You would then need to update your Sub account level, Equipment Level, and Fund Level.