Select the Customers Tab





AR Payment Receipt - This report is for generating a receipt for customers who have paid their Accounts Receivable.


AR Payment Receipt From Post Table - Use this report is when a Receipt needs to be regenerated and the Receipt number is known.


Bill Code History- This report will give the history of the charges to a Bill code.


Bill Code List - This report gives the Bill Code, description, the debit account and the credit account for each Bill Code.


Cash Receipt - Prints a Cash Receipt after a cash transaction.


Cash Receipt Listing- Prints a listing of all Cash Receipts in Cash Receipt number order. It will show all of the line items and the debit and credit account numbers on each.


Customer Accounts Receivable - A listing of Receivables by Customer. A summary after each Customer show aging of due Invoices.


Customer Aged Account Receivables - Shows the Customers Account Receivable by Invoice aged as far as 120 days out.


Customer History - Shows history of Invoices and Payments by Customer. Totals by each Customer summarized by the Invoice number.


Customer Invoice and Line Item List- An Invoice List by Customer showing all the line items on an Invoice.


Customer Invoice Register - A listing by Invoice number of all Invoices. No line items just Invoice totals.


Customer Invoice Transactions - A listing of all  Invoice Transactions by Journal Number. Several useful summaries at the end of the Report show the totals by Customer, Invoice, Bill Code, Account Numbers, Fund and by Month.


Customer Invoices - Prints Customer Invoices.


Customer Labels Avery 5160 - Prints labels from your Customer Maintenance File.


Customer List - Shows Customers names, addresses and other information.


Customer Payment Check List - A list of Account Receivable Payments by Customer. Receipts are summarized by the check number that was input during the Account Receivable Payment Post program. Similar to the Customer Payments List but without the Line Item details.


Customer Payment Transactions - A list of Accounts Receivable transactions in Journal Number Sequence. Shows all Line Items, Account Numbers and Bill Codes.


Customer Payments and Cash Receipt List- A combined listing of payments from Account Receivable and receipts from the Cash Receipts System. Organized by Journal Number. Useful summaries at the end of the Report by Customer, Check Number, Bill Code, Fund and Invoice Number.


Customer Payment List - A list of Accounts Receivable Payments by Customer that shows Line Item and Bill Codes to which payments were applied. Similar to Customer Payment Checklist but with extra line item detail.


Customer Statement - A Statement for the Account Receivable Customer. A Statement shows all Invoices and Receipts and current due amount. The Customer Invoices simply show an amount billed on a single Invoice.  Statements have their own date and a date range of transactions. Transactions before the date range are summarized into a balance forward.


Customer Statement B - A Statement with a different format for the Account Receivable Customer. A Statement will show all Invoices and Receipts and the current due amount. The Customer Invoices simply show the amount billed on a single Invoice. Statements have their own date and a date range of transactions. Transactions before the date range are summarized into a balance forward.


Customer Transactions - A list of Customer Account Receivable transactions by Customer Code. Several useful summaries at the end.


Customer Write offs List - Use this list to write off Account Receivables.


InvoicePlus Invoice - Not in use at this time.


InvoicePlus Invoice and Budget - Not in use at this time.


Payments and Cash Receipt Register - A listing by date of all Payments from Accounts Receivable and all Receipts from Cash Receipting.


Receipts Journal - A listing by Cash Receipt Journal number. The Report also gives Journal totals by Fund and Account number.