The Inventory Post program can be found under the Inventory Menu bar on the main screen. You may also click the "Inventory" button. You will first need to fill in the Inventory Post Open Journal record.


If you are opening an existing journal, enter its number in the Journal Nbr. box. If you don’t know what the journal number is, click the open folder icon and scroll through the journal numbers until you’ve located the one you want to open. To start a new journal, enter the new journal number (or accept the default journal number already displayed).


Once you have entered all the required information in the Open Journal record and have clicked OK, the New Inventory Transaction dialog box will appear.


New Inventory Transaction

You will see this screen for each inventory transaction you’re posting. Enter the inventory code and select the type of inventory transaction you want to post. If you’re receiving new inventory into stock, click the circle next to RECEIVE. If you’re charging out inventory, click the circle next to CHARGE (default).


If you selected the CHARGE option, you will be asked to enter the equipment code you’re charging the equipment against, the type of charge (direct, fuel, capital outlay, or state inventory), and, if applicable, the second inventory code. You will enter a second inventory code if you’re combining two inventory types together (such as sand and gravel) or if you’re moving inventory from one place to another (such as from one salt shed to another one). Additionally, if you’re moving the inventory, you should enter the equipment code used to do the moving.


If you selected the RECEIVE option, the equipment information section will be grayed out. After entering the required information, click the OK button to continue to the main posting screen.


Special Notes: If you’re unsure of the inventory code you need to enter, click the LIST button to see a list of inventory items; to set up a new inventory code, click the program maintenance button. To select your inventory item from a graphic tree (similar to the Account Tree structure), click the Inventory Tree button.


If you’re unsure of the equipment code you need to enter, click the LIST button to see a list of equipment; to set up a new equipment code, click the program maintenance button.


To see a list of valid Charge Types, click the drop-down arrow at the end of the field. When you have entered all the information on the New Inventory Transaction screen, click OK and you will see the main posting screen.


Already filled in on this form will be the codes and their appropriate information that you entered on the New Inventory Transaction form. If any of this information looks incorrect, click CANCEL, then NEW to get back to the New Inventory Transaction form. Also filled in will be the fixed sell price, the reorder vendor code, the inventory item’s description, and the inventory’s default account number. You may change the description, fixed sell price, and default account number. To change the reorder vendor code, you will need to click the inventory program maintenance button, look up the inventory code, and change the reorder vendor code.


The cursor will be positioned in the Qty. field for the primary inventory code. Once you have entered a quantity, you may alter the extension or change the price to alter the extension.


If there is a piece of equipment involved in this transaction, the Work Order fields will be available for you to select a Work Order Number and Line Item if necessary.


Also, if a secondary inventory code is displayed, you will be able to enter the quantity for that code.


After you have entered all required information, click SAVE to save this transaction. Note that the white box at the top of the form will have updated information reflecting the new transaction, and there will be a line item in the inventory transactions grid. As you post, this information is constantly updated, making it easy to look at previous entries to make corrections as required or to delete previous entries made in error.


The REPEAT button allows you to speed up your posting by repeating the last transaction you posted during this session. That means if you’re posting fuel, antifreeze, oil, etc. (Direct Fuel Expense), just click REPEAT, enter a new equipment code and quantity, and click SAVE to post the transaction.


After you have finished posting transactions, be sure to commit them by clicking COMMIT. If you click DONE, you will be warned that you haven’t committed your entries and be given the opportunity to do so before exiting the program.


Posting State Salt Usage

Posting your State Salt Usage is easy. First, run Inventory Post, enter the effective date on the Open Journal record and make a note of the journal number the state salt usage will be posted in. (Also see Posting State Salt Increases.)


Click OK and fill in the information on the New Inventory Transaction record as follows:


Enter inventory code (512016 for State salt)

Be sure CHARGE is selected

Click OK to continue to the main posting screen


Entering State Salt Usage

Click on the account tree icon

Click on the account number to post the usage to (e.g. A517.75-141)

Enter the quantity used

Press the TAB key past "Price"

Enter the dollar amount in "Amount"

Press the TAB key and press ENTER (or click SAVE)


If you have more entries:

Click on "repeat"

Click on account number (e.g. 517+32+141+00)

Enter quantity

Tab through "Price"

Enter dollar amount in "Extension"




When all entries are made:

Click Commit

Enter journal description: "Inventory May 2003 M/E State Salt"





Run an Inventory Audit report.


Run an Inventory Status report. Enter the month ending date in the "high date" area; enter S in "Inv Type" area.


Posting State Salt Increases

Run Inventory Post and enter the effective date on the Open Journal record. Make a note of the Journal Number these increases will be posted in. Click OK to continue.


On the New Inventory Transaction record, enter the inventory code (State Salt is 512016), click RECEIVE and click OK to continue to the main posting screen.


On the main posting screen:

Click the account tree icon

Click on account 112

Enter quantity

Tab through "Price"

Enter the dollar amount in "Amount" (This is obtained from the "Stores Activity Report" from MDOT.)



Enter a journal description ("Inventory May 2003 M/E State Salt")

Click OK



Run an Inventory Audit report.


Run an Inventory Status report. Enter the month ending date in the "high date" area; enter S in "Inv Type" area.