DESCRIPTION:  This program is used to calculate your BANKS through payroll.  You can calculate all your banks, or Select which ones are to be calculated.  You can also save certain banks as groups for easy calculations.  (Example:  certain banks calculated last pay of the month, or once a quarter, etc.)


To access the Payroll Banks Calculation, click on the PAYROLL button, , then click on the BANK CALCULATION button .

The following screen will appear:



1.Click the LOAD button.

2.Next, enter the proper calculation date you would like banks calculated through.

3.Now you will need to Select whether you want to Load All available banks, Load Groups of banks (which need to be set up previously), or to Load None. A description of these 3 choices is listed below. 

4.LOAD ALL:  Loads all of your banks and enters them in the right-hand side of the screen, which is the Banks to Calculate side.

5.LOAD GROUP:  Loads the group of banks you've chosen.  To Select which group you want, click the LOAD GROUP button and then the appropriate group from the pull-down menu.

6.LOAD NONE:  Loads all of the banks and enters them in the left-hand side of the screen, which shows you what is available.  You would then need to use the appropriate arrows to move them to the right-hand side of the screen before they would calculate.

7.Depending on the option you picked above, the following screen will appear, (but may show banks on the left or the right-hand side, applicable to your choice above):

8.At the top you will see the POST DATE, which is the day you are calculating these banks, and also the EFFECTIVE DATE, which is the date the banks will be calced through.

9.In the middle section, you will see all the banks that are available to be calculated on the right-hand side.

10.If you do not want all of them to be calculated, click the item you don't want calculated, and then click the RED arrow   to make the item go to the left-hand side.  (The red arrows move ONE item at a time, the blue/red arrow moves all items the direction you Select.)

11.Now you have the COMP TIME on the left that won't be calculated, and you have the SICK LEAVE and VACATION TIME on the right-hand side that will be calculated.

12.The system will default to calculating the banks for everyone (ALL), but if you only want to calculate banks for a certain department, you would want to click on the DEPARTMENT button, and then enter the DEPARTMENT NUMBER you wish to calculate.

13.For those items that are Calc Type 2 and 4, for example vacation adders that add after an anniversary date has been reached, you will want to enter the low and high anniversary dates. (If you need information concerning Calc Types 2 and 4, see SETUP BANK TYPES under the Help Menu.)

14.If you want to add a certain number of hours to ALL or to the DEPARTMENT you've chosen, enter that number in the Additional Amount box, if not, ignore this box.

15.If you have an hours factor that needs to be calculated (for Parameter 4 ONLY), then enter the high and low date, otherwise ignore.

16.NOTE:  If you have your banks chosen (on the right-hand side) and you would like to save this group of banks for use in the future, you can click on the SAVE GRP button.

17.If you wish to cancel what you are doing, click the UNLOAD button.

18.If everything is set to your choosing, click the CALCULATE button.

19.Once you've clicked on the Calculate button, the following confirmation screen will appear.  A default description comes up, but you may change it if necessary.  Then Click OK for your banks to calculate, or Cancel if you don't want them to calculate.

20.After you have calculated the banks, a confirmation screen will appear.  Click the OK button.

21.Click the DONE button to exit the program.