DESCRIPTION:  For entities that keep track of all overtime, including those hours that are declined, we have an option for you to set up the declined overtime.

We will instruct you:

1. How to set up the Source of Entry code for Declined Overtime

2. How to post it

3. How to run reports for it.




1. First you will need to set up the Source of Entry called DCH. You do this by clicking on the GENERAL LEDGER button on the Main Screen , then clicking the SOURCE OF ENTRY MAINTENANCE button.


The following screen will then appear:


2. To set up the DCH code, click the NEW button.

3. Enter the SOE (Source of Entry) Code. We used DCH.

4. Enter a descriptive name for the code in the Name box.

5. Click the SAVE button.

6. Next, click the EDIT button  and set up the following Relevant Fields for this source of entry.

When setting these Field Names up, be sure to enter them exactly as they’re shown in our example without any spaces or click the drop-down arrow in the Field Name column and select them from the list.

7. Enter a description CAPTION you want to see when you are posting the required information.  Make each of the fields REQUIRED (except Description, although you may certainly make it a required field if you want) by typing a T in the Required Field column. (The software will automatically change the T to the word "True"). Your completed Declined Hours Source of Entry screen should look similar to the one above.


8. Click the SAVE button  to save the relevant field entries you made.


9. Click DONE  to exit Source of Entry Maintenance.




 1. To enter the declined overtime hours, you will need to post them using the GL Post program. Click the GENERAL LEDGER button on the Main Screen , then click the GENERAL LEDGER POST button. 


2. Enter the effective date

Dates are important if you reset hours for a new year; otherwise, anytime in the payroll period or the exact day will work.


3. Enter the Source of Entry code "DCH" on the Open Journal screen.


4. Click OK to proceed.


5. You must post the Declined Hours to a valid account number. Since these will not be financial transactions, any account number will do. Or you can set up one account number to always post declined hours to, for instance, 201-0-0-999-0-0-0, and name it Declined Hours. The Account Type would be an L (for Liability). (See Account Maintenance for instructions on how to set up account numbers.)


6. Click the NEW button.


7. Enter the appropriate account number (the one you set up for Declined Hours).


8. Enter 0 (zero) in the Amount field.

The 0 in the Amount field is very important since this forces the transaction to have no effect on your accounting. Additionally, GL Post requires an entry in the Amount field.


9. Enter the Employee Number.


10. Enter the number of declined overtime hours in the # of Hours field.


11. Enter a valid Hours Type (like OT or D) in the Hours Type field.  


Note that it must be an hours type that has as a multiplier greater than 1, for example, 1.5 or 2.0. 


12. If you have set up a Description (Reason) field for the DCH source of entry, you may enter descriptive information (e.g., employee name, reason declined, etc.) for this entry or leave it blank if you did not make it a required (T) field in Source of Entry Maintenance.


13. NOTE: The employee number and the hours type are not checked for validity, so make sure everything you enter is correct. If these are entered incorrectly they will not show up on the reports.


14. Click the SAVE button to save your information.


15. Continue entering declined overtime until you have posted all your declined overtime for the current period. You do not need to make an offsetting credit entry to zero-balance your journal.


16. Click COMMIT when you are through posting.


17. Enter a journal description as usual.


18. Click the SAVE button.



To print the following 2 reports, click on the PAYROLL button, , then click on the Payroll Reports button.


There are two (2) reports available for Declined Hours source of entry:

1. PR Declined Hours by Employee: Creates a list of Declined Hours entries.  This is a good place to validate that all your declined hours have been entered correctly.

2. PR Overtime:  Is the equivalent Overtime report.  It is sorted by the overtime department (specified on the last tab (Overtime Info) of the Employee Maintenance screen) and the total of overtime and declined hours.