We have preprogrammed nine buttons that you can use to quickly access programs you run all the time. These are:Customers, Equipment,Fixed Assets, General Ledger,Inventory, Payables,  Payroll,  Tools and Favorites. 


On each one of these buttons, you may or may not see the following:    The icon with the pencil on it, if showing, means that you can CREATE and EDIT anything under that topic.  If it's not there, you only have READ ACCESS.  The second icon with the 'X' in it, if showing, means you have DELETE functions under that topic.  If it's not there, you can't delete anything.



To access the Help Menu on almost any screen, click on the Question Mark  button located at the top right side of the Upper Status Bar.


At the Upper Status Bar you will also see the current person logged into the system. 




At the bottom of the Main Screen is the Lower Status Bar. For more information on these buttons, see PREFERENCES, REMOTE ACCESS, and CHECK FOR UPDATES, TRAINING VIDEOS AND CURRENT RELAESE NOTES  categories. 





If you happen to have left a journal pending, it will show in the center of the Lower Status Bar.




The last item in the Lower Status Bar is the zooming capabilities.  Slide the arrow to change the view on your screen.















1.BANK RECONCILIATION:  Area where you can set up your bank reconciliation information.

2.BUDGET CALC: This program gives you the opportunity to put together detailed, personalized, budget comparison spreadsheets.

3.GENERAL LEDGER POST:  Post Transfer Vouchers, Budget Items and General Journal Entries.

4.GENERAL LEDGER REPORTS:  Choose which report you would like to run/print.

5.POSITIVE PAY:  Utility to help prevent check fraud.

6.POST BALANCES FORWARD:  Calculation to post closing entries and update Asset, Liability and Equity Accounts

7.STATE TRUNKLINE UPDATE:  Prepares the State Trunkline Billing files and report (if applicable.)

8.STATE TRUNKLINE YEAR-END ADJUSTMENT:  State Trunkline adjustment area.

9.ACCOUNT MAINTENANCE:  Set up new account numbers and define fund accounts.

10.JOB TYPES MAINTENANCE:  Set up Job Types for job costing analysis (if applicable.)

11.SOURCE OF ENTRY MAINTENANCE:  Set up records to identify sources of entry for transactions posted.

12.STATE TRUNKLINE BUDGET MAINTENANCE:  Set up State Trunkline Maintenance activity records and annual budgeted amounts (if applicable)

13.CHANGE ACCOUNT NUMBER: This utility gives you the ability to change an account number to another a new one

14.CHANGE JOURNAL EFFECTIVE DATE:  This utility gives you the ability to change the effective date on a particular journal.

15.COST OF ROADS SPREAD:  Calculation process to spread the cost of roads over applicable account numbers.

16.FRINGE BENEFITS SPREAD:  Calculation to spread fringe benefits over applicable account numbers. 

17.SQUEEZE JOURNAL NUMBERS:  This utility is typically used when you've inadvertently used a very high journal number, (one that is out of sequence with all the others).  This utility will squeeze all the journal numbers and get them in line again.

18.CREATE EMPTY BUDGET JOURNAL: (not shown) Use this program to set up annual budgets and use General Ledger Post with the source of entry BGT to enter budget information.  (Typically used by Townships/Cities).  There is also another budget program called Budget Calc where you can enter any budget information you would like to keep track of.






1.PAYABLES POST:  Enter your invoices for payment here.

2.PAY INVOICES: Process to pay all or some of your invoices. Gives you an option to choose which invoices to pay and which to hold until a future time.

3.PAYABLES REPORTS: Choose which report you would like to run/print.

4.VENDOR MAINTENANCE: Set up vendors with address, payment terms, payment discounts, etc.

5.RENUMBER CHECKS:  Gives you the ability to renumber checks that have already been issued.  Used when checks are damaged in printer, lost, etc.

6.UNPAY INVOICES:  Unpay Invoices from a particular payment journal.

7.VOID CHECKS:  Gives you the ability to void checks. 







1.CALL LOG: Record keeping tool to keep track of customer calls.

2.CALL LOG REPORTS:  These are reports related to the Call log. 

3.CASH RECEIPTING:  Post miscellaneous non-accounts receivable cash receipts.

4.CUSTOMER REPORTS: Choose which report you want to run/print.

5.INVOICE POST:  Post invoices to your customers.

6.MAKE DEPOSITS:  This step occurs after Payment Post.

7.PAYMENT POST:  Post checks received from Accounts Receivable Customers.

8.BILL CODE MAINTENANCE:  Set up, view and modify line items you bill to customers.

9.CALL LOG CONTACTS: Set up, view and modify contacts for the Call Log system.

10.CUSTOMER MAINTENANCE:  Set up, view and modify accounts receivable accounts.

11.PICK LIST CONSTANTS:  Used to set up constants for the Accounts Receivable System.

12.ROAD NAMES: Set up, view and modify road names for the Call Log system.

13.APPLY CREDIT BALANCES:  Post outstanding credit invoices, over-payments and prepayments against unpaid customer invoices.

14.UNDO DEPOSITS: Choose when Make Deposits needs to be changed.






1.BANK CALCULATION:  Process to calculate bank usage during a payroll period.

2.CREATE ePASS MERS FILE: Create ePass MERS file to upload to MERS website.

3.DIRECT DEPOSIT:  This program will create the text file needed for electronically transferring funds to employee's bank accounts.

4.IMPORT TIMECARDS: This program give you the ability to import timecards from a particular timecard date.

5.MERS CONTRIBUTION FILE:  Create MERS file for Defined Contribution deductions.

6.PAYROLL FUND BREAKDOWN:   Payroll broken down into funds or departments/divisions.

7.PAYROLL INFORMATION:  Pay period start and end dates needed to process each payroll.

8.PAYROLL POST:  Post labor and equipment entries.

9.PAYROLL REPORTS:  Choose which reports you want to run/print.

10.PAYROLL TAX REPORT WIZARD:  Run this wizard to have quarterly/yearly tax information automatically calculated.

11.TIMECARD PERMISSIONS: Authorizes what the employee is allowed to see in the PFA Works Timecard System.

12.TIMECARD TEMPLATES: These templates are used to set up the PFA Works Timecard Program.

13.VIEW TIME CLOCK ACTIVITY: This program is used to view time clock activity of employees.

14.W2 TAX CALC WIZARD:  Run wizard to automatically calculate your W-2's for the year.

15.ADDRESS MAINTENANCE:  Address information for deduction checks.

16.EMPLOYEE MAINTENANCE:  Set up employees with all pertinent/required information.

17.SETUP BANK TYPES:  Setup different types of banks (time) here.

18.PAYROLL CALCULATION:  Automatically calculate payroll deductions of your choice.

19.SETUP DEDUCTION TYPES: Set up all deduction type information here.

20.SETUP PAYROLL DEPARTMENTS:  Setup different departments or divisions.

21.SETUP PAYROLL TYPES:  Setup different types of payroll time. 

22.VIEW CURRENT EMPLOYEE EVENTS:  Allows you to see the upcoming events for your current employees.

23.SETUP PAYROLL YEAR DATES: For each new year, set up first paid date of payroll.

24.ACA TAX REPORTING:  Helps you to easily generate the appropriate health care reports as required by the government.

25.CHANGE EMPLOYEE NUMBER:  Gives you the ability to change an employee's payroll number.

26.CHANGE HOURS PER DAY:  Utility where you can change your work day hours, such as 8 hours/day to 10 hours/day.

27.EXPORT PAYSTUBS:  Process to automatically export paystubs as PDF file to designated file on computer.

28.INITIALIZE OVERTIME:  This utility is used to reset the date for overtime.

29.RENUMBER PAYROLL CHECKS:  Process to renumber your payroll checks in case of printer errors, etc.

30.THE STANDARD REPORTING: This Report is used for to export Retirement deductions from payroll for Employees that are enrolled in the Standard Retirement Program.

31.UNCALCULATE BANKS:  Process for uncalculating banks previously calculated in error.

32.UNCALCULATE PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS:  Process for uncalculating the payroll deductions.

33.ZERO FILL EMPLOYEE NUMBERS:  Utility to change the number of digits in employee numbers.








1.INVENTORY POST:  Process to post your inventory.

2.INVENTORY REPORTS:  Choose which reports you want to run/print.

3.PURCHASE ORDER CALC:  Process to create purchase orders.

4.PURCHASE ORDER POST: Process to post your Purchase Orders.

5.SCAN SYNC : This Program is used with your scanner for identifying inventory items.

6.INVENTORY MAINTENANCE:  Setup for inventory codes.

7.CHANGE INVENTORY CODE:  This utility gives you the ability to change your inventory code to another one.

8.SET INVENTORY START INFORMATION:   This utility is used to set new start dates for inventory calculations.






1.EQUIPMENT QUESTIONNAIRE CALC:  Creates Schedule C information.

2.EQUIPMENT RENTAL UPDATE:  Process to update the equipment rental rates with State rates.

3.EQUIPMENT REPORTS:  Choose which reports you want to run/print.

4.EQUIPMENT WHEEL HOUR CALCULATION:  Process to create wheel hour calculations.

5.WORK ORDER CALC:  Process to create work orders.

6.EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE:  Area to set up all of your equipment with pertinent information.

7.PICK LIST CONSTANTS:  Setup Preventative Maintenance and Work Order Constants.

8.CHANGE EQUIPMENT CODE:  Utility to change an equipment code to another one.

9.IMPORT FUEL READINGS:  Process to import your fuel readings.

10.IMPORT METER READINGS:  Process to import meter readings. 






1.FIXED ASSET CALCULATION: Process to calculate depreciation of Fixed Assets.

2.FIXED ASSET REPORTS:  Choose which reports you would like to run/print.

3.FIXED ASSET MAINTENANCE:  Set up of all fixed asset items with pertinent information.

4.CHANGE FIXED ASSET CODE: Utility to change a fixed asset code number to another one.










1.DEVICE MANAGER: To register devices for the PFA Works Timecard program.

2.IMPORT REPORT SAVED PARAMETERS: This Utility will import all saved report parameters on your workstation only.

3.PERMIT POST:  Area to enter (road) permits.

4.REPAIR GL POST CONTROL TABLES:  This option will rebuild your GLPost control tables.

5.SECURITY: Set up security and permissions for all users.

6.IMAGE MANAGER:  In PFA Works, you have the ability to attach pictures of your employees, equipment, inventory, and check signatures.

7.MANAGE DRAINS: This program will allow you to add modify or delete a Drain.

8.REPAIR CONTROL TABLES:  This option will rebuild your control tables, clears the DedCalc table for any incomplete payroll calculations, clears the BnkCalc table for any incomplete bank calculations and clears the APPay table for any incomplete accounts payable payment journals.

9.REPAIR TABLES:  This option will repair locked tables or fix miscellaneous errors.

10.SPREAD DRAIN INTEREST: Spreads the interest from the Banks to all of your Drains.

11.SETUP BARCODE PRINTERS: Use this program to set up the Zebra Printer.








For those menu items that you use the most often, you can add them to your Favorites Menu so you only have to go to one place for more items.


To choose an item to show up in your Favorites Menu, go to that particular menu, ex. Payroll, right-click on the item and choose ADD TO FAVORITES.



Once you've chosen that menu item, a STAR will show up next to the item you've chosen letting you know that it is in your favorites.




If you want to DELETE the item from the Favorites Menu, right-click on that item - IN THE FAVORITES MENU - and choose REMOVE FROM FAVORITES.  Once that is done, it will no longer show up in your Favorites, and on the menu that it pertains to, it will no longer have a Star next to it.