Use the following steps to prepare your databases for inputting data.


1.Set up your Chart of Accounts using the Account Maintenance program

2.Set up your Source of Entry codes using the Source of Entry Maintenance program

3.Set up your Deduction Check Address records using the Address Maintenance program

4.Set up your Sick, Vacation and Personal banks using the Payroll Constants-Bank Types program

5.Set up your Deduction Codes using the Payroll Constants-Deduction Types program

6.Set up your Department Numbers using the Payroll Constants-Department Types program

7.Set up your Pay Types (e.g., Regular, Vacation, Overtime, etc.) using the Payroll Constants-Pay Types program

8.Set up your Payroll Year Start Date using the Payroll Constants: Payroll Year Dates program

9.Set up your Employee records using the Employee Maintenance program

10.Set up your Vendor records using the Vendor Maintenance program

11.Set up your Equipment records using the Equipment Maintenance program

12.Set up your Inventory records using the Inventory Maintenance program

13.Set up your Fixed Asset records using the Fixed Assets Maintenance program

14.Set up your State Trunkline "Cover Maint" records using the State Trunkline-Budgets program

15.If applicable, run the following program:

15.Job Types Maintenance

16.Set your payroll periods before you start posting employee time cards using the Payroll Information program

17.Print reports of employee numbers, equipment numbers, inventory codes, fixed assets, work orders, vendor codes, and account numbers for handy reference

18.If you use Payroll Direct Deposit, contribute to MERS, and/or produce State Trunkline Reports, set up the address information for the bank(s), credit union(s), and State reporting bureaus using the Address Maintenance program


Once you have set up the above databases, you are ready to start posting payroll, accounts payable, cash receipts, inventory usage, and journal entries to the various databases.